Friday, November 21, 2008

I promise a real post soon

"Everything had changed suddenly--the tone, the moral climate; you didn't know what to think, whom to listen to. As if all your life you had been led by the hand like a small child and suddenly you were on your own, you had to learn to walk by yourself. There was no one around, neither family nor people whose judgment you respected. At such a time you felt the need of committing yourself to something absolute--life or truth or beauty--of being ruled by it in place of the man-made rules that had been discarded. You needed to surrender to some such ultimate purpose more fully, more unreservedly than you had ever done in the old familiar, peaceful days, in the old life that was now abolished and gone for good."

Boris Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bride & Prejudice

One of the most amazing films ever!!!! (At least, to me)

Taken from "No Life Without Wife." I felt like I could kinda relate :) And yes, I know it's extremely cheesy.

I don't want a man who ties me down
Does what he wants while I hang around
I don't want a man who's crude and loud
Wants a pretty wife to make him proud
I don't wanna man who can't be funny
Who tells tall tales about making money

Oh Yeah…

I don't want a man who'll grab the best seat
Can't close his mouth when he starts to eat
I don't want a man who likes to drink
Or leaves his dirty dishes in the sink

I don't want a man who wants his mummy
A balding pest with too much dummy
I don't want a man who's dead in the head

I just want a man with a real soul
Who wants equality and not control
I just want a man good and smart
A really sharp mind and a very big heart
I just want a man not scared to weep
To hold me close when we're asleep

Ohhh yeah….

I just want a man who loves romance
Who'll clear the floor and ask me to dance

I just want a man who gives some back
Who talks to me and not my rack

I just want man whose spirit is free
To hold my hand, walk the world with me

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Reason #532 of why I love my housemates

The following conversation took place at 9:38 PM October 21st:

Me: Hey Emily, you're pants kinda remind me of pants people wear when they ride horses.
Emily: Why, is it because of these? [points to the buttons coming up the side of the leg]
Me: Yes and since they're tight
Emily: *pause*
Aubrey: She's probably going to say that they really are riding pants!
Emily: Yes...[starts to walk upstairs]...and I have my stirrups upstairs...with a man attached! What?! *quickly runs up the stairs*

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Today was a good day...

It was my first day working on an actual film set. I got to act as a secretary (with one line! I know, amazing right? Hahaha) and work as a Production Assistant; doing anything from taking production stills to holding things to pulling fishing line to make it seem like a file cabinet drawer was opening by itself.

Saturday was spent putting the set together; drilling flats together to make walls, decorating to achieve the look of a newspaper editor's office, acting as stand-ins for the actors as we worked to get the lighting just right.

Although today was long with tired feet and a few technical difficulties, it was also amazing as I finally got to see how everything works. It also was amazing to see Aaron loading real film in a black bag and then hearing the sound of it running through the camera--actual film that needs to be developed.

Pictures are to come, as soon as Aubrey and I have time to upload and edit them :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

La Nuit Américaine

Tonight in International Film we watched La Nuit Américaine, aka Day For Night. Pretty much it was an AMAZING movie! The basic plot is a production crew and staff working on a film and the relationships and crazyness that goes on between the characters in the "film", the actors and the crew members. But seriously, so amazing. The best quote EVER came from this movie and was quoted by the director's assistant (who was a female):
"I'd leave a man for a film but I wouldn't leave a film for a man."

Hahaha....yes, so true. Tomorrow night I'm going to Portland on a little field trip with other people from International Film to watch a bunch of French short films. It will be quite the experiance! And as Matt said in the email "The refreshments at intermission may include wine. Your glass won't"

Well, I need to head off to bed soon since I got a grand total of 2 hours of sleep last night! Went to bed at 5am and woke up at 7am because of a lovely paper I had to write for [you'll never guess...] International Film! But for the paper, I watched this music video by My Chemical Romance that I've seen a few times before. But watching it again was just amazing for me because I've discovered that I really loved the 30s and 40s even though there was the Great Depression and WWII. I'm posting the video and you don't have to watch all of it but you should at least watch ~1:25-1:33. After you watch it you will know why :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I don't care who you're voting for...

Just vote...hopefully you're registered

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Oh here it goes again...

I am SO FREAKIN' TIRED of hypocrites!!!!!!!!!