Sunday, October 5, 2008

"Just go ahead, let your hair down."

So, here's my first post on this blog...we'll see how it goes. I pretty much decided to do this to get all my random thoughts, frustrations, etc...written down and maybe someone will be interested in them :) Anyways...

It's Sunday night and I really should be studying for my Spanish quiz tomorrow, or doing any other form of homework. Instead I'm curled up on the couch with my favorite blanket (the one June made me for graduation) and just finished the first disk of season 4 of The Office. This weekend was nice and relaxing; not too many people were around the house which was nice. I mean, I love my roommates but sometimes having 8 of them can be too much at times. Friday was a perfect day. It was raining on and off so I got to do what I love which is curl up on the couch with a blanket and book. I'm finally getting on the Twilight bandwagon and have finished the first book and have started the second. They're good and exciting at parts and I'm waiting for the movie (especially Robert Pattinson) but I'm not freaking out about them like everyone else.

I think this will be it for now. I probably won't post much during the week but who knows, this blog will be very A.D.D.


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