Sunday, October 19, 2008

Today was a good day...

It was my first day working on an actual film set. I got to act as a secretary (with one line! I know, amazing right? Hahaha) and work as a Production Assistant; doing anything from taking production stills to holding things to pulling fishing line to make it seem like a file cabinet drawer was opening by itself.

Saturday was spent putting the set together; drilling flats together to make walls, decorating to achieve the look of a newspaper editor's office, acting as stand-ins for the actors as we worked to get the lighting just right.

Although today was long with tired feet and a few technical difficulties, it was also amazing as I finally got to see how everything works. It also was amazing to see Aaron loading real film in a black bag and then hearing the sound of it running through the camera--actual film that needs to be developed.

Pictures are to come, as soon as Aubrey and I have time to upload and edit them :)

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